Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Busy-ness of Life

It is amazing how things can take up so much of your time. I often feel like 24 hours just isn't long enough to accomplish all that needs to be accomplished for the day. Well, the other day I came to the oh- so- obvious conclusion that God knows better than me, that 24 hours is more than enough time. Immediately after that thought, the word "Priority" popped into my mind. Go figure!

The reason most of us may feel like we don't have enough time is because things that are not priorities are crowding the space that should be allotted for home, church, and time with the Lord. I quickly stopped complaining and started to look at what was taking up so much of my time. I realized that there were things clogging up precious time that belonged to my family and to the Lord. I asked the Lord to show me how to put those things where they belonged and put the important things/people where they should be. Praising the Lord was my next course of action. I began praising and thanking him for how He created this world and the boundaries of time.

With that said, I will be allotting time in my schedule to blog more. :-) I know some time ago I said I was back, but school was back, children's choir rehearsal was back and all the demands of putting a Christmas program together were too. I am working on several post which I am praying to have up in a couple of weeks.

I am currently reading a book called "Heaven at Home" by Ginger Plowman. It's book that speaks on making our home a place of joy and peace. A refuge. Our women's ministry are presently reading "Lies Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free". It is a powerful book that opens the eye to things that are holding us captive and keeping us from experiencing the fullness of God's presence. Several of my posts will come from them.

May God's grace be with you as you are seeking to serve Him on this journey.

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