Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Right to Kill?

Scripture speaks a lot of children. It tells us that "children are a heritage of the Lord". (Psalm 127:3) It also tells us that we are to be as little children when coming to the Lord. (Matthew 18:2-5) Scripture tells us that "children are a gift from God." To give birth is a most glorious and marvelous gift that could ever be given to a woman. It amazes me that people are fighting for the right to kill an unborn child. There was an article that came out in Ms Magazine that spoke of women who chose to abort their baby. They wanted to show the world that these women were not ashamed of the decision they had made. They wanted people to know that it was their right. (read article at Now, are we suppose to applaud these individuals? Are we to feel sorry for them or pick up our banners and join in the fight with them? What?!?

I have five children and every single one of them are precious in the sight of the Lord. It was such a joy to know that the Lord chose me to be a mother. It's a high calling and an invaluable gift. When are the many thousands of women and young girls going to stop playing God? When are the people in government, who are riding on the band wagon, going to stop trying to keep laws from passing that would put an end to the ugliness of abortion? If you look at the picture above you can see the awesomeness of God's grace. No matter how small, that child is created in His image.

Ladies join with me in prayer. Let's pray for God's mercy to engulf those who don't see the awfulness of abortion. Share your thoughts and prayers. I would love to know what you think.

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