Monday, July 10, 2006

Created to be Feminine

A couple of days ago I was sitting in McDonalds play land watching my children enjoy a game of hide-and-seek. While I was being entertained I noticed a woman and her two children enter the play area. I began to admire the cuteness of one of her offspring. As I watched them I found myself wondering whether or not this child was male or female. At first glance you would think "female". The little one's hair was braided, had beautiful almond shaped eyes and a "pretty" smile. However, the child was dressed in big and baggy clothing, and I was left wondering.

All too often young ladies are mistaken for young men. And more frustrating to me, young girls are seeking and striving to look more masculine. Where have we gone wrong? Why are our young girls so displeased with the way the Creator, created them to be? Why are we so accepting?

In Genesis 1:27 it says, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." (emphasis added) Oh, how beautifully sculptured we are. Designed perfectly by the Master. As I look at the discontentment in this world it reaffirms the depravity of man. Everyday we see men and women, young and old shaking their fist in the face of God. Yet I am reminded that without the mercy and grace of our loving Father we would do the same.

I would encourage us all, to train our daughters up with the understanding and the joy of knowing and honoring the beauty in which God created us. If we are training our daughters to bask in the rays of their femininity then God will be glorified. If you know a young lady who strives to be the opposite of what she is I implore you to admonish them. Turn their thoughts to the divine order, the order which was established at the beginning of time.

1 comment:

Rena said...

I couldn't agree with you more, that coming from one who used to be like what you are describing. Before God regenerated my heart I was in a sense searching for "identity". Thanks be to God that in Him what I did not find at home or in the world I found in Christ.
I must say that I was not homosexual and I didn't dress like a boy all of the time but being feminine was a struggle for me.
Immediately after the Lord saved me I desired to be a "woman"- to be feminine. The change didn't happen immediately though. In actuality to be feminine is something that you learn. Wouldn't you say? So along with your admonishment I would suggest discipleship in this area to the young lady simply because she may not have a mother, grandmother, aunt etc. to teach her how to work out this holy desire. (Not one who would be biblical about it anyway.) I hope all this makes good sense.