Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Gift From the Father

This past Sunday was Father's Day. All over the country people were out in the stores buying last minute gifts and cards. I found myself out there with them. While I was in the store trying to squeeze my way through the card isle, it hit me, there are no cards or poems that could capture the essence of the type of father my husband is. I stand amazed each day as I watch him love and care for our children and the tender way he loves and cares for me.

I don't know how many women are able to identify with me. It is a gift from the Father above to have a man who loves you, but loves the Father more. Through his service to the Lord he has faithfully and unconditionally given himself to our family. It is a joy to love him and be loved by him.

Tony is truly a gift from the Father. I thank and praise the Lord,daily, for my husband. We've been married for almost thirteen years and they have been the best years of my life. May the Lord be praised.

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