Monday, September 03, 2007

The Ivy League Devotional

Psalm 119:9-16
Ivy League Bible Study Fellowship
Week of September 3, 2007

Hallelujah! “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
God is so good and it is so wonderful to know Him. I am rejoicing in the Lord and in spite of any challenges; I pray that you are rejoicing as well.

The ILBSF has begun our study of Psalm 119! Even though we are only in the second stanza of the Psalm; it has already been an overpowering experience. Per our Bible study lessons, as well as the wonderful study guides that our sister Jamie Love has prepared; we are being blessed with a wealth of information to meditate over as well as to guide us in spiritual growth.

When reading many of the psalms including Psalm 119, I often feel the urge to respond to God in my own “psalm”. I have heard of different church organizations assigning their members the task of writing their own psalm. In our bible study lessons a couple of weeks ago we were challenged to give a response to each stanza of Psalm 119.

This is not necessarily a response to each stanza, but an expression of some of the thoughts and emotions that I experience when I read God’s Word:

The day awakes with praises to the Lord. The grass and the dew bend
as the beast search for their breakfast. The birds fill the air with their
melody and the skies are colored with the shades of dawn. The breeze guides the eagles to their nest. The earth is rejoicing in the artistry of the Lord. Where is the creature that the Lord has given dominion over the labor of his hands? Are they submitting to the will of the Lord? Are they celebrating obedience in praise to the Lord? Are they as wise as the Lord’s other creatures and spending their days in worship?

Look at the daisy so bright and yellow. Blessing our
senses exactly as the Lord has commanded. It does not choose shade when the Lord tells it to feast in the warmth of the sun. It does not choose shelter when the Lord tells it to feed in the nourishment of the rain. Over my shoulder is protection and righteousness, yet I choose the disgrace of sin that always seems to be a nagging presence in my face. Give me wisdom oh Lord to hunger after your word.

You have given man a higher intelligence over all the works of your hand. Yet where is man? I want to be found in the study of your Word. Though the lessons may often reflect my weaknesses, I will be made whole through the strength of your guidance.
My life should be a sacrifice of praise to you Lord.
I can only learn the steps of my praise dance through the earnest pursuit of your Word.

How would your psalm read? Write one. No one has to see it but you and the Lord. This journey through Psalm 119 allows us into the heart of the psalmist to experience his earnest pursuit after righteousness and his great love of the Lord.

I pray that we will all be changed when the journey is over and that we all will have a new found devotion to be obedient to the law of the Lord.

To God be the glory! Be blessed in the Lord my Sistas. Use each day as another opportunity to show someone the love of God.

Jesus loves you and so do I!

Indianapolis, IN

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